Gavin Doran

Jun 19, 20172 min

My 5 Favorite Photo Books

There are hundreds of thousands of photography books out there.

While I can't say I've read them all, I do make it a priority to support other artists and study new techniques as well as draw inspiration from awesome projects.

So with that said, here are my 5 favorite photography books and why I feel like they are so good!

5. Studio Anywhere by Nick Fancher

Nick Fancher's book is exactly as it sounds- a guide on how to get a studio-quality shot anywhere you go. Nick's creative use of different elements in small spaces will make you forget any limitations you thought were there and allow you to start utilizing spaces of all sizes to get the best results possible.

4. Diane Arbus: In the Beginning by Diane Arbus

Focusing on 7 key years that formed Diane Arbus' unique and beloved style, this book captures those day-to-day moments that reflect so much of our own humanity. I also love this book as so many of the photos were shot in New York City in a time that most of us never had a chance to see.

3. Photographing Shadow and Light by Joey L

Out of all of the photographers out there, you would be hard pressed to find someone as dedicated to light quality and understanding their craft as well as Joey L. In Photographing Shadow and Light, you'll see break-downs of many of Joey's most famous lighting set ups as he walks you through the shoots step by step so that you can understand the reasoning behind the techniques.

2. Annie Leibovitz at Work by Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz is arguably one of the most well respected portrait photographers of our time. By the end of reading this book, you will understand why. Annie shows how she set up the photos and some of the moments behind the images. Her ability to command a set and build comfort and confidence in her subjects can be seen throughout the book.

1. Untold; The Stories Behind the Photographs by Steve McCurry

The reason why Untold is number one on my list is because it has inspired me to not just take better pictures but to remember the moments and memories shared while creating them. Steve's journeys, notes, negatives and official documents are all chronicled in this large and beautifully printed book. Before you crack it open, make sure you have your coffee and a couple hours because you likely won't want to put it down.